ThinkTank Theatre is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, and, as such, ticket sales cover very little of the cost to produce professional theatre all audiences can enjoy.
Your donation, whether it's
$50 or $5000, helps us continue to create, educate, grow, support, and thrive! We hope you will consider making a donation to
ThinkTank Theatre!
Our EIN number is 82-5038574

Donor Levels
$125-$249 – ThinkTank Special Guest
- A mention of Special Thanks in our ThinkTank Programs
$250-$499 – Friend of ThinkTank
- A mention of Special Thanks in our ThinkTank Programs and Website
$500-$999 – Sapphire Level Donor
- A mention of Special Thanks in our ThinkTank Programs and Website
- Two Tickets to Two of our Main Stage Shows
$1000-$2499 – Emerald Level Donor
- A mention of Special Thanks in our ThinkTank Programs and Website
- Four Tickets to Two of our Main Stage shows, with reserved seating
$2500-$4999 – Ruby Level Donor
- A mention of Special Thanks in our ThinkTank Programs and Website
- Four Tickets to Two of our Main Stage shows, and reserved seating
- Special Invitation to our Tech Night Dinners with the Cast and Crew
$5000 – Diamond Level Donor
- A mention of Special Thanks in our ThinkTank Programs and Website
- Four Tickets to all of our shows, and reserved seating
- Special Invitation to our Tech Night Dinners with the Cast and Crew
- Recognition on the Front of our Programs
Ways to Give!
Have you purchased a ticket to one of our show?
You can donate through there as well!
This button will take you to Give Lively, a secure way to donate to us and other nonprofits!
You can always Venmo us!
We love getting checks too! Pop one in the mail to us at:
ThinkTank Theatre
3225 S. MacDill Ave. Ste. 129-313
Tampa FL, 33629
Please make them payable to
ThinkTank Theatre